Source code for openfisca_core.tracers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function, division, absolute_import

import numpy as np

import logging
import copy
from collections import defaultdict

from openfisca_core.parameters import ParameterNodeAtInstant, VectorialParameterNodeAtInstant, ALLOWED_PARAM_TYPES
from openfisca_core.taxscales import AbstractTaxScale

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Tracer(object): """ A tracer that records simulation steps to enable exploring calculation steps in details. .. py:attribute:: requested_calculations ``set`` containing calculations that have been directly requested by the client. Value example: >>> {'income_tax<2017-01>', 'basic_income<2017-01>'} .. py:attribute:: stack ``list`` of the calculations that have started, but have not finished. The first item is one of the :attr:`requested_calculations`, and each other item is a dependency of the one preceding him. Note that after a calculation is finished, :attr:`stack` is always ``[]``. Value example: >>> ['income_tax<2017-01>', 'global_income<2017-01>', 'salary<2017-01>'] .. py:attribute:: trace ``dict`` containing, for each calculation, its result and its immediate dependencies. Value example: .. code-block:: python { 'income_tax<2017-01>': { 'dependencies':['global_income<2017-01>', 'nb_children<2017-01>'], 'parameters' : {'taxes.income_tax_rate<2015-01>': 0.15, ...}, 'value': 600 }, 'global_income<2017-01>': {...} } .. py:attribute:: usage_stats ``dict`` containing, for each variable computed, the number of times the variable was requested. Value example: .. code-block:: python { 'salary': { 'nb_requests': 17 }, 'global_income': { 'nb_requests': 1 } } """ def __init__(self): self.requested_calculations = set() self.stack = [] self.trace = {} self.usage_stats = defaultdict(lambda: {"nb_requests": 0}) self._computation_log = [] self._aggregates = {} def clone(self): new = Tracer() new.requested_calculations = copy.copy(self.requested_calculations) new.stack = copy.copy(self.stack) new.trace = copy.deepcopy(self.trace) new._computation_log = copy.copy(self._computation_log) new.usage_stats = copy.deepcopy(self.usage_stats) new._aggregates = copy.deepcopy(self._aggregates) return new @staticmethod def _get_key(variable_name, period, **parameters): if parameters.get('extra_params'): return "{}<{}><{}>".format(variable_name, period, '><'.join(map(str, parameters['extra_params']))) return "{}<{}>".format(variable_name, period)
[docs] def record_calculation_start(self, variable_name, period, **parameters): """ Record that OpenFisca started computing a variable. :param str variable_name: Name of the variable starting to be computed :param Period period: Period for which the variable is being computed :param list parameters: Parameter with which the variable is being computed """ key = self._get_key(variable_name, period, **parameters) if self.stack: # The variable is a dependency of another variable parent = self.stack[-1] self.trace[parent]['dependencies'].append(key) else: # The variable has been requested by the client self.requested_calculations.add(key) if not self.trace.get(key): self.trace[key] = {'dependencies': [], 'parameters': {}} self.stack.append(key) self._computation_log.append((key, len(self.stack))) self.usage_stats[variable_name]['nb_requests'] += 1
def record_calculation_parameter_access(self, parameter_name, period, value): if isinstance(value, AbstractTaxScale): value = value.to_dict() if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): value = value.tolist() parent = self.stack[-1] parameter_key = '{}<{}>'.format( parameter_name, period ) self.trace[parent]['parameters'][parameter_key] = value
[docs] def record_calculation_end(self, variable_name, period, result, **parameters): """ Record that OpenFisca finished computing a variable. :param str variable_name: Name of the variable starting to be computed :param Period period: Period for which the variable is being computed :param numpy.ndarray result: Result of the computation :param list parameters: Parameter with which the variable is being computed """ key = self._get_key(variable_name, period, **parameters) expected_key = self.stack.pop() if not key == expected_key: raise ValueError( "Something went wrong with the simulation tracer: result of '{0}' was expected, got results for '{1}' instead. This does not make sense as the last variable we started computing was '{0}'." .format(expected_key, key).encode('utf-8') ) self.trace[key]['value'] = result
[docs] def record_calculation_abortion(self, variable_name, period, **parameters): """ Record that OpenFisca aborted computing a variable. This removes all trace of this computation. :param str variable_name: Name of the variable starting to be computed :param Period period: Period for which the variable is being computed :param list parameters: Parameter with which the variable is being computed """ key = self._get_key(variable_name, period, **parameters) expected_key = self.stack.pop() if not key == expected_key: raise ValueError( "Something went wrong with the simulation tracer: calculation of '{1}' was aborted, whereas the last variable we started computing was '{0}'." .format(expected_key, key).encode('utf-8') ) if self.stack: parent = self.stack[-1] self.trace[parent]['dependencies'].remove(key) del self.trace[key]
def _get_aggregate(self, key): if self._aggregates.get(key): return self._aggregates.get(key) value = self.trace[key]['value'] try: aggregated_value = { 'min': np.min(value), 'max': np.max(value), } except TypeError: # Much less efficient, but works for strings aggregated_value = { 'min': min(value), 'max': max(value), } try: aggregated_value['avg'] = np.mean(value) except TypeError: aggregated_value['avg'] = np.nan self._aggregates[key] = aggregated_value return aggregated_value def _print_node(self, key, depth, aggregate): def print_line(depth, node, value): print("{}{} >> {}".format(' ' * depth, node, value)) if not self.trace.get(key): return print_line(depth, key, "Calculation aborted due to a circular dependency") if not aggregate: return print_line(depth, key, self.trace[key]['value']) return print_line(depth, key, self._get_aggregate(key))
[docs] def print_trace(self, variable_name, period, extra_params = None, max_depth = 1, aggregate = False, ignore_zero = False): """ Print value, the dependencies, and the dependencies values of the variable for the given period (and possibly the given set of extra parameters). :param str variable_name: Name of the variable to investigate :param Period period: Period to investigate :param list extra_params: Set of extra parameters :param int max_depth: Maximum level of recursion :param bool aggregate: See :any:`print_computation_log` :param bool ignore_zero: If ``True``, don't print dependencies if their value is 0 """ key = self._get_key(variable_name, period, extra_params = extra_params) def _print_details(key, depth): if depth > 0 and ignore_zero and np.all(self.trace[key]['value'] == 0): return self._print_node(key, depth, aggregate) if depth < max_depth: for dependency in self.trace[key]['dependencies']: _print_details(dependency, depth + 1) _print_details(key, 0)
[docs] def print_computation_log(self, aggregate = False): """ Print the computation log of a simulation. If ``aggregate`` is ``False`` (default), print the value of each computed vector. If ``aggregate`` is ``True``, only print the minimum, maximum, and average value of each computed vector. This mode is more suited for simulations on a large population. """ for node, depth in self._computation_log: self._print_node(node, depth, aggregate)
class TracingParameterNodeAtInstant(object): def __init__(self, parameter_node_at_instant, tracer): self.parameter_node_at_instant = parameter_node_at_instant self.tracer = tracer def __getattr__(self, key): child = getattr(self.parameter_node_at_instant, key) return self.get_traced_child(child, key) def __getitem__(self, key): child = self.parameter_node_at_instant[key] return self.get_traced_child(child, key) def get_traced_child(self, child, key): period = self.parameter_node_at_instant._instant_str if isinstance(child, (ParameterNodeAtInstant, VectorialParameterNodeAtInstant)): return TracingParameterNodeAtInstant(child, self.tracer) if not isinstance(key, str) or isinstance(self.parameter_node_at_instant, VectorialParameterNodeAtInstant): # In case of vectorization, we keep the parent node name as, for instance, rate[status].zone1 is best described as the value of "rate" name = self.parameter_node_at_instant._name else: name = '.'.join([self.parameter_node_at_instant._name, key]) if isinstance(child, (np.ndarray,) + ALLOWED_PARAM_TYPES): self.tracer.record_calculation_parameter_access(name, period, child) return child