Source code for openfisca_core.simulations

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function, division, absolute_import
from os import linesep
import tempfile
import logging

import dpath
import numpy as np

from openfisca_core import periods
from openfisca_core.commons import empty_clone, stringify_array, basestring_type, to_unicode
from openfisca_core.tracers import Tracer, TracingParameterNodeAtInstant
from openfisca_core.indexed_enums import Enum, EnumArray

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Exceptions

class NaNCreationError(Exception):

class CycleError(Exception):

[docs]class Simulation(object): """ Represents a simulation, and handles the calculation logic """ debug = False period = None steps_count = 1 tax_benefit_system = None trace = False # ----- Simulation construction ----- # def __init__( self, tax_benefit_system, simulation_json = None, debug = False, period = None, trace = False, opt_out_cache = False, memory_config = None, ): """ If a ``simulation_json`` is given, initialises a simulation from a JSON dictionary. Note: This way of initialising a simulation, still under experimentation, aims at replacing the initialisation from `scenario.make_json_or_python_to_attributes`. If no ``simulation_json`` is given, initialises an empty simulation. """ self.tax_benefit_system = tax_benefit_system assert tax_benefit_system is not None if period: assert isinstance(period, periods.Period) self.period = period # To keep track of the values (formulas and periods) being calculated to detect circular definitions. # See use in # The data structure of requested_periods_by_variable_name is: {variable_name: [period1, period2]} self.requested_periods_by_variable_name = {} self.max_nb_cycles = None self.debug = debug self.trace = trace or self.debug if self.trace: self.tracer = Tracer() else: self.tracer = None self.opt_out_cache = opt_out_cache self.memory_config = memory_config self._data_storage_dir = None self.instantiate_entities(simulation_json) def instantiate_entities(self, simulation_json): if simulation_json: check_type(simulation_json, dict, ['error']) allowed_entities = set(entity_class.plural for entity_class in self.tax_benefit_system.entities) unexpected_entities = [entity for entity in simulation_json if entity not in allowed_entities] if unexpected_entities: unexpected_entity = unexpected_entities[0] raise SituationParsingError([unexpected_entity], ''.join([ "Some entities in the situation are not defined in the loaded tax and benefit system.", "These entities are not found: {0}.", "The defined entities are: {1}."] ) .format( ', '.join(unexpected_entities), ', '.join(allowed_entities) ) ) persons_json = simulation_json.get(self.tax_benefit_system.person_entity.plural, None) if not persons_json: raise SituationParsingError([self.tax_benefit_system.person_entity.plural], 'No {0} found. At least one {0} must be defined to run a simulation.'.format(self.tax_benefit_system.person_entity.key)) self.persons = self.tax_benefit_system.person_entity(self, persons_json) else: self.persons = self.tax_benefit_system.person_entity(self) self.entities = {self.persons.key: self.persons} setattr(self, self.persons.key, self.persons) # create shortcut simulation.person (for instance) for entity_class in self.tax_benefit_system.group_entities: if simulation_json: entities_json = simulation_json.get(entity_class.plural) entities = entity_class(self, entities_json or {}) else: entities = entity_class(self) self.entities[entity_class.key] = entities setattr(self, entity_class.key, entities) # create shortcut simulation.household (for instance) @property def data_storage_dir(self): """ Temporary folder used to store intermediate calculation data in case the memory is saturated """ if self._data_storage_dir is None: self._data_storage_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix = "openfisca_") log.warn(( "Intermediate results will be stored on disk in {} in case of memory overflow. " "You should remove this directory once you're done with your simulation." ).format(self._data_storage_dir).encode('utf-8')) return self._data_storage_dir # ----- Calculation methods ----- #
[docs] def calculate(self, variable_name, period, **parameters): """ Calculate the variable ``variable_name`` for the period ``period``, using the variable formula if it exists. :returns: A numpy array containing the result of the calculation """ entity = self.get_variable_entity(variable_name) holder = entity.get_holder(variable_name) variable = self.tax_benefit_system.get_variable(variable_name) if period is not None and not isinstance(period, periods.Period): period = periods.period(period) if self.trace: self.tracer.record_calculation_start(, period, **parameters) self._check_period_consistency(period, variable) extra_params = parameters.get('extra_params', ()) # First look for a value already cached cached_array = holder.get_array(period, extra_params) if cached_array is not None: if self.trace: self.tracer.record_calculation_end(, period, cached_array, **parameters) return cached_array max_nb_cycles = parameters.get('max_nb_cycles') if max_nb_cycles is not None: self.max_nb_cycles = max_nb_cycles # First, try to run a formula array = self._run_formula(variable, entity, period, extra_params, max_nb_cycles) # If no result, try a base function if array is None and variable.base_function: array = variable.base_function(holder, period, *extra_params) # If no result, use the default value if array is None: array = holder.default_array() self._clean_cycle_detection_data( if max_nb_cycles is not None: self.max_nb_cycles = None holder.put_in_cache(array, period, extra_params) if self.trace: self.tracer.record_calculation_end(, period, array, **parameters) return array
def calculate_add(self, variable_name, period, **parameters): variable = self.tax_benefit_system.get_variable(variable_name) if period is not None and not isinstance(period, periods.Period): period = periods.period(period) # Check that the requested period matches definition_period if variable.definition_period == periods.YEAR and period.unit == periods.MONTH: raise ValueError("Unable to compute variable '{0}' for period {1}: '{0}' can only be computed for year-long periods. You can use the DIVIDE option to get an estimate of {0} by dividing the yearly value by 12, or change the requested period to 'period.this_year'.".format(, period, ).encode('utf-8')) if variable.definition_period not in [periods.MONTH, periods.YEAR]: raise ValueError("Unable to sum constant variable '{}' over period {}: only variables defined monthly or yearly can be summed over time.".format(, period).encode('utf-8')) return sum( self.calculate(variable_name, sub_period, **parameters) for sub_period in period.get_subperiods(variable.definition_period) ) def calculate_divide(self, variable_name, period, **parameters): variable = self.tax_benefit_system.get_variable(variable_name) if period is not None and not isinstance(period, periods.Period): period = periods.period(period) # Check that the requested period matches definition_period if variable.definition_period != periods.YEAR: raise ValueError("Unable to divide the value of '{}' over time on period {}: only variables defined yearly can be divided over time.".format( variable_name, period).encode('utf-8')) if period.size != 1: raise ValueError("DIVIDE option can only be used for a one-year or a one-month requested period") if period.unit == periods.MONTH: computation_period = period.this_year return self.calculate(variable_name, period = computation_period, **parameters) / 12. elif period.unit == periods.YEAR: return self.calculate(variable_name, period, **parameters) raise ValueError("Unable to divide the value of '{}' to match period {}.".format( variable_name, period).encode('utf-8')) def calculate_output(self, variable_name, period): """ Calculate the value of a variable using the ``calculate_output`` attribute of the variable. """ variable = self.tax_benefit_system.get_variable(variable_name, check_existence = True) if variable.calculate_output is None: return self.calculate(variable_name, period) return variable.calculate_output(self, variable_name, period) def trace_parameters_at_instant(self, formula_period): return TracingParameterNodeAtInstant( self.tax_benefit_system.get_parameters_at_instant(formula_period), self.tracer ) def _run_formula(self, variable, entity, period, extra_params, max_nb_cycles): """ Find the ``variable`` formula for the given ``period`` if it exists, and apply it to ``entity``. """ formula = variable.get_formula(period) if formula is None: return None if self.trace: parameters_at = self.trace_parameters_at_instant else: parameters_at = self.tax_benefit_system.get_parameters_at_instant try: self._check_for_cycle(variable, period) if formula.__code__.co_argcount == 2: array = formula(entity, period) else: array = formula(entity, period, parameters_at, *extra_params) except CycleError as error: self._clean_cycle_detection_data( if max_nb_cycles is None: if self.trace: self.tracer.record_calculation_abortion(, period, extra_params = extra_params) # Re-raise until reaching the first variable called with max_nb_cycles != None in the stack. raise error self.max_nb_cycles = None return None self._check_formula_result(array, variable, entity, period) return self._cast_formula_result(array, variable) def _check_period_consistency(self, period, variable): """ Check that a period matches the variable definition_period """ if variable.definition_period == periods.ETERNITY: return # For variables which values are constant in time, all periods are accepted if variable.definition_period == periods.MONTH and period.unit != periods.MONTH: raise ValueError("Unable to compute variable '{0}' for period {1}: '{0}' must be computed for a whole month. You can use the ADD option to sum '{0}' over the requested period, or change the requested period to 'period.first_month'.".format(, period ).encode('utf-8')) if variable.definition_period == periods.YEAR and period.unit != periods.YEAR: raise ValueError("Unable to compute variable '{0}' for period {1}: '{0}' must be computed for a whole year. You can use the DIVIDE option to get an estimate of {0} by dividing the yearly value by 12, or change the requested period to 'period.this_year'.".format(, period ).encode('utf-8')) if period.size != 1: raise ValueError("Unable to compute variable '{0}' for period {1}: '{0}' must be computed for a whole {2}. You can use the ADD option to sum '{0}' over the requested period.".format(, period, 'month' if variable.definition_period == periods.MONTH else 'year' ).encode('utf-8')) def _check_formula_result(self, value, variable, entity, period): assert isinstance(value, np.ndarray), (linesep.join([ "You tried to compute the formula '{0}' for the period '{1}'.".format(, str(period)).encode('utf-8'), "The formula '{0}@{1}' should return a Numpy array;".format(, str(period)).encode('utf-8'), "instead it returned '{0}' of {1}.".format(value, type(value)).encode('utf-8'), "Learn more about Numpy arrays and vectorial computing:", "<>" ])) assert value.size == entity.count, \ "Function {}@{}<{}>() --> <{}>{} returns an array of size {}, but size {} is expected for {}".format(, entity.key, str(period), str(period), stringify_array(value), value.size, entity.count, entity.key).encode('utf-8') if self.debug: try: # cf if np.isnan(np.min(value)): nan_count = np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(value)) raise NaNCreationError("Function {}@{}<{}>() --> <{}>{} returns {} NaN value(s)".format(, entity.key, str(period), str(period), stringify_array(value), nan_count).encode('utf-8')) except TypeError: pass def _cast_formula_result(self, value, variable): if variable.value_type == Enum and not isinstance(value, EnumArray): return variable.possible_values.encode(value) if value.dtype != variable.dtype: return value.astype(variable.dtype) return value # ----- Handle circular dependencies in a calculation ----- # def _check_for_cycle(self, variable, period): """ Return a boolean telling if the current variable has already been called without being allowed by the parameter max_nb_cycles of the calculate method. """ def get_error_message(): return "Circular definition detected on formula {}@{}. Formulas and periods involved: {}.".format(, period, ", ".join(sorted(set( "{}@{}".format(variable_name, period2) for variable_name, periods in requested_periods_by_variable_name.items() for period2 in periods ))).encode('utf-8'), ) requested_periods_by_variable_name = self.requested_periods_by_variable_name variable_name = if variable_name in requested_periods_by_variable_name: # Make sure the formula doesn't call itself for the same period it is being called for. # It would be a pure circular definition. requested_periods = requested_periods_by_variable_name[variable_name] assert period not in requested_periods and (variable.definition_period != periods.ETERNITY), get_error_message() if self.max_nb_cycles is None or len(requested_periods) > self.max_nb_cycles: message = get_error_message() if self.max_nb_cycles is None: message += ' Hint: use "max_nb_cycles = 0" to get a default value, or "= N" to allow N cycles.' raise CycleError(message) else: requested_periods.append(period) else: requested_periods_by_variable_name[variable_name] = [period] def _clean_cycle_detection_data(self, variable_name): """ When the value of a formula have been computed, remove the period from requested_periods_by_variable_name[variable_name] and delete the latter if empty. """ requested_periods_by_variable_name = self.requested_periods_by_variable_name if variable_name in requested_periods_by_variable_name: requested_periods_by_variable_name[variable_name].pop() if len(requested_periods_by_variable_name[variable_name]) == 0: del requested_periods_by_variable_name[variable_name] # ----- Methods to access stored values ----- #
[docs] def get_array(self, variable_name, period): """ Return the value of ``variable_name`` for ``period``, if this value is alreay in the cache (if it has been set as an input or previously calculated). Unlike :any:`calculate`, this method *does not* trigger calculations and *does not* use any formula. """ if period is not None and not isinstance(period, periods.Period): period = periods.period(period) return self.get_holder(variable_name).get_array(period)
[docs] def get_holder(self, variable_name): """ Get the :any:`Holder` associated with the variable ``variable_name`` for the simulation """ return self.get_variable_entity(variable_name).get_holder(variable_name)
[docs] def get_memory_usage(self, variables = None): """ Get data about the virtual memory usage of the simulation """ result = dict( total_nb_bytes = 0, by_variable = {} ) for entity in self.entities.values(): entity_memory_usage = entity.get_memory_usage(variables = variables) result['total_nb_bytes'] += entity_memory_usage['total_nb_bytes'] result['by_variable'].update(entity_memory_usage['by_variable']) return result
# ----- Misc ----- # def set_input(self, variable, period, value): """ Set a variable's value for a given period :param variable: the variable to be set :param value: the input value for the variable :param period: the period for which the value is setted Example: >>> set_input('age', [12, 14], '2018-04') >>> get_array('age', '2018-04') >>> [12, 14] If a ``set_input`` property has been set for the variable, this method may accept inputs for periods not matching the ``definition_period`` of the variable. To read more about this, check the `documentation <>`_. """ self.get_holder(variable).set_input(period, value) def get_variable_entity(self, variable_name): variable = self.tax_benefit_system.get_variable(variable_name, check_existence = True) return self.get_entity(variable.entity) def get_entity(self, entity_type = None, plural = None): if entity_type: return self.entities[entity_type.key] if plural: return [entity for entity in self.entities.values() if entity.plural == plural][0] def clone(self, debug = False, trace = False): """ Copy the simulation just enough to be able to run the copy without modifying the original simulation """ new = empty_clone(self) new_dict = new.__dict__ for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): if key not in ('debug', 'trace', 'tracer'): new_dict[key] = value new.persons = self.persons.clone(new) setattr(new, new.persons.key, new.persons) new.entities = {new.persons.key: new.persons} for entity_class in self.tax_benefit_system.group_entities: entity = self.entities[entity_class.key].clone(new) new.entities[entity.key] = entity setattr(new, entity_class.key, entity) # create shortcut simulation.household (for instance) if debug: new_dict['debug'] = True if trace: new_dict['trace'] = True if debug or trace: if self.debug or self.trace: new_dict['tracer'] = self.tracer.clone() else: new_dict['tracer'] = Tracer() return new
def check_type(input, input_type, path = []): json_type_map = { dict: "Object", list: "Array", basestring_type: "String", } if not isinstance(input, input_type): raise SituationParsingError(path, "Invalid type: must be of type '{}'.".format(json_type_map[input_type])) class SituationParsingError(Exception): def __init__(self, path, message, code = None): self.error = {} dpath_path = '/'.join(path) message = to_unicode(message) message = message.strip(linesep).replace(linesep, ' '), dpath_path, message) self.code = code Exception.__init__(self, str(self.error).encode('utf-8')) def __str__(self): return str(self.error) def calculate_output_add(simulation, variable_name, period): return simulation.calculate_add(variable_name, period) def calculate_output_divide(simulation, variable_name, period): return simulation.calculate_divide(variable_name, period)