Source code for openfisca_core.holders

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function, division, absolute_import
import logging
import os
import sys
import warnings

import numpy as np
import psutil

from openfisca_core import periods
from openfisca_core.commons import empty_clone
from openfisca_core.periods import MONTH, YEAR, ETERNITY
from openfisca_core.columns import make_column_from_variable
from openfisca_core.indexed_enums import Enum, EnumArray
from openfisca_core.data_storage import InMemoryStorage, OnDiskStorage

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Holder(object): """ A holder keeps tracks of a variable values after they have been calculated, or set as an input. """ def __init__(self, variable, entity): self.entity = entity self.variable = variable self.simulation = entity.simulation self.buffer = {} self._memory_storage = InMemoryStorage(is_eternal = (self.variable.definition_period == ETERNITY)) # By default, do not activate on-disk storage, or variable dropping self._disk_storage = None self._on_disk_storable = False self._do_not_store = False if self.simulation.memory_config: if not in self.simulation.memory_config.priority_variables: self._disk_storage = self.create_disk_storage() self._on_disk_storable = True if in self.simulation.memory_config.variables_to_drop: self._do_not_store = True
[docs] def clone(self, entity): """ Copy the holder just enough to be able to run a new simulation without modifying the original simulation. """ new = empty_clone(self) new_dict = new.__dict__ for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): if key not in ('entity', 'formula', 'simulation'): new_dict[key] = value new_dict['entity'] = entity new_dict['simulation'] = entity.simulation return new
def create_disk_storage(self, directory = None, preserve = False): if directory is None: directory = self.simulation.data_storage_dir storage_dir = os.path.join(directory, if not os.path.isdir(storage_dir): os.mkdir(storage_dir) return OnDiskStorage( storage_dir, is_eternal = (self.variable.definition_period == ETERNITY), preserve_storage_dir = preserve )
[docs] def delete_arrays(self, period = None): """ If ``period`` is ``None``, remove all known values of the variable. If ``period`` is not ``None``, only remove all values for any period included in period (e.g. if period is "2017", values for "2017-01", "2017-07", etc. would be removed) """ self._memory_storage.delete(period) if self._disk_storage: self._disk_storage.delete(period)
[docs] def get_array(self, period, extra_params = None): """ Get the value of the variable for the given period (and possibly a list of extra parameters). If the value is not known, return ``None``. """ if self.variable.is_neutralized: return self.default_array() value = self._memory_storage.get(period, extra_params) if value is not None: return value if self._disk_storage: return self._disk_storage.get(period, extra_params)
[docs] def get_memory_usage(self): """ Get data about the virtual memory usage of the holder. :returns: Memory usage data :rtype: dict Exemple: >>> holder.get_memory_usage() >>> { >>> 'nb_arrays': 12, # The holder contains the variable values for 12 different periods >>> 'nb_cells_by_array': 100, # There are 100 entities (e.g. persons) in our simulation >>> 'cell_size': 8, # Each value takes 8B of memory >>> 'dtype': dtype('float64') # Each value is a float 64 >>> 'total_nb_bytes': 10400 # The holder uses 10.4kB of virtual memory >>> 'nb_requests': 24 # The variable has been computed 24 times >>> 'nb_requests_by_array': 2 # Each array stored has been on average requested twice >>> } """ usage = dict( nb_cells_by_array = self.entity.count, dtype = self.variable.dtype, ) usage.update(self._memory_storage.get_memory_usage()) if self.simulation.trace: usage_stats = self.simulation.tracer.usage_stats[] usage.update(dict( nb_requests = usage_stats['nb_requests'], nb_requests_by_array = usage_stats['nb_requests'] / float(usage['nb_arrays']) if usage['nb_arrays'] > 0 else np.nan )) return usage
[docs] def get_known_periods(self): """ Get the list of periods the variable value is known for. """ return list(self._memory_storage.get_known_periods()) + list(( self._disk_storage.get_known_periods() if self._disk_storage else []))
[docs] def set_input(self, period, array): """ Set a variable's value (``array``) for a given period (``period``) :param array: the input value for the variable :param period: the period at which the value is setted Exemple : >>> holder.set_input([12, 14], '2018-04') >>> holder.get_array('2018-04') >>> [12, 14] If a ``set_input`` property has been set for the variable, this method may accept inputs for periods not matching the ``definition_period`` of the variable. To read more about this, check the `documentation <>`_. """ period = periods.period(period) if not isinstance(array, np.ndarray): array = np.asarray(array) if period.unit == ETERNITY and self.variable.definition_period != ETERNITY: error_message = os.linesep.join([ 'Unable to set a value for variable {0} for ETERNITY.', '{0} is only defined for {1}s. Please adapt your input.', ]).format(, self.variable.definition_period ).encode('utf-8') raise PeriodMismatchError(, period, self.variable.definition_period, error_message ) if self.variable.is_neutralized: warning_message = "You cannot set a value for the variable {}, as it has been neutralized. The value you provided ({}) will be ignored.".format(, array) if sys.version_info < (3, 0): warning_message = warning_message.encode('utf-8') return warnings.warn( warning_message, Warning ) if self.variable.set_input: return self.variable.set_input(self, period, array) return self._set(period, array)
def _set(self, period, value, extra_params = None): if self.variable.value_type == Enum: value = self.variable.possible_values.encode(value) if value.dtype != self.variable.dtype: try: value = value.astype(self.variable.dtype) except ValueError: raise ValueError( 'Unable to set value "{}" for variable "{}", as the variable dtype "{}" does not match the value dtype "{}".' .format(value,, self.variable.dtype, value.dtype) .encode('utf-8')) if self.variable.definition_period != ETERNITY: if period is None: raise ValueError('A period must be specified to set values, except for variables with ETERNITY as as period_definition.') if ((self.variable.definition_period == MONTH and period.unit != periods.MONTH) or (self.variable.definition_period == YEAR and period.unit != periods.YEAR)): error_message = os.linesep.join([ 'Unable to set a value for variable {0} for {1}-long period {2}.', '{0} is only defined for {3}s. Please adapt your input.', 'If you are the maintainer of {0}, you can consider adding it a set_input attribute to enable automatic period casting.' ]).format(, period.unit, period, self.variable.definition_period ).encode('utf-8') raise PeriodMismatchError(, period, self.variable.definition_period, error_message ) should_store_on_disk = ( self._on_disk_storable and self._memory_storage.get(period, extra_params) is None and # If there is already a value in memory, replace it and don't put a new value in the disk storage psutil.virtual_memory().percent >= self.simulation.memory_config.max_memory_occupation_pc ) if should_store_on_disk: self._disk_storage.put(value, period, extra_params) else: self._memory_storage.put(value, period, extra_params) def put_in_cache(self, value, period, extra_params = None): if self._do_not_store: return if (self.simulation.opt_out_cache and self.simulation.tax_benefit_system.cache_blacklist and in self.simulation.tax_benefit_system.cache_blacklist): return self._set(period, value, extra_params)
[docs] def default_array(self): """ Return a new array of the appropriate length for the entity, filled with the variable default values. """ array_size = self.entity.count array = np.empty(array_size, dtype = self.variable.dtype) if self.variable.value_type == Enum: array.fill(self.variable.default_value.index) return EnumArray(array, self.variable.possible_values) array.fill(self.variable.default_value) return array
# Legacy method used by the old OpenFisca Web API to display intermediate results def to_value_json(self, use_label = False): column = make_column_from_variable(self.variable) transform_dated_value_to_json = column.transform_dated_value_to_json def extra_params_to_json_key(extra_params, period): return '{' + ', '.join( ['{}: {}'.format(name, value) for name, value in zip(self.get_extra_param_names(period), extra_params)] ) + '}' if self.variable.definition_period == ETERNITY: array = self.get_array(None) if array is None: return None return [ transform_dated_value_to_json(cell, use_label = use_label) for cell in array.tolist() ] value_json = {} for period, array_or_dict in self._memory_storage._arrays.items(): if type(array_or_dict) == dict: values_dict = {} for extra_params, array in array_or_dict.items(): extra_params_key = extra_params_to_json_key(extra_params, period) values_dict[str(extra_params_key)] = [ transform_dated_value_to_json(cell, use_label = use_label) for cell in array.tolist() ] value_json[str(period)] = values_dict else: value_json[str(period)] = [ transform_dated_value_to_json(cell, use_label = use_label) for cell in array_or_dict.tolist() ] if self._disk_storage: for period, file_or_dict in self._disk_storage._files.items(): if type(file_or_dict) == dict: values_dict = {} for extra_params, file in file_or_dict.items(): extra_params_key = extra_params_to_json_key(extra_params, period) values_dict[str(extra_params_key)] = [ transform_dated_value_to_json(cell, use_label = use_label) for cell in np.load(file).tolist() ] value_json[str(period)] = values_dict else: value_json[str(period)] = [ transform_dated_value_to_json(cell, use_label = use_label) for cell in np.load(file_or_dict).tolist() ] return value_json # Legacy method called by to_value_json def get_extra_param_names(self, period): formula = self.variable.get_formula(period) return formula.__code__.co_varnames[3:]
class PeriodMismatchError(ValueError): def __init__(self, variable_name, period, definition_period, message): self.variable_name = variable_name self.period = period self.definition_period = definition_period self.message = message ValueError.__init__(self, self.message)
[docs]def set_input_dispatch_by_period(holder, period, array): """ This function can be declared as a ``set_input`` attribute of a variable. In this case, the variable will accept inputs on larger periods that its definition period, and the value for the larger period will be applied to all its subperiods. To read more about ``set_input`` attributes, check the `documentation <>`_. """ period_size = period.size period_unit = period.unit if holder.variable.definition_period == MONTH: cached_period_unit = periods.MONTH elif holder.variable.definition_period == YEAR: cached_period_unit = periods.YEAR else: raise ValueError('set_input_dispatch_by_period can be used only for yearly or monthly variables.') after_instant = period.start.offset(period_size, period_unit) # Cache the input data, skipping the existing cached months sub_period = period.start.period(cached_period_unit) while sub_period.start < after_instant: existing_array = holder.get_array(sub_period) if existing_array is None: holder._set(sub_period, array) else: # The array of the current sub-period is reused for the next ones. # TODO: refactor or document this behavior array = existing_array sub_period = sub_period.offset(1)
[docs]def set_input_divide_by_period(holder, period, array): """ This function can be declared as a ``set_input`` attribute of a variable. In this case, the variable will accept inputs on larger periods that its definition period, and the value for the larger period will be divided between its subperiods. To read more about ``set_input`` attributes, check the `documentation <>`_. """ period_size = period.size period_unit = period.unit if holder.variable.definition_period == MONTH: cached_period_unit = periods.MONTH elif holder.variable.definition_period == YEAR: cached_period_unit = periods.YEAR else: raise ValueError('set_input_divide_by_period can be used only for yearly or monthly variables.') after_instant = period.start.offset(period_size, period_unit) # Count the number of elementary periods to change, and the difference with what is already known. remaining_array = array.copy() sub_period = period.start.period(cached_period_unit) sub_periods_count = 0 while sub_period.start < after_instant: existing_array = holder.get_array(sub_period) if existing_array is not None: remaining_array -= existing_array else: sub_periods_count += 1 sub_period = sub_period.offset(1) # Cache the input data if sub_periods_count > 0: divided_array = remaining_array / sub_periods_count sub_period = period.start.period(cached_period_unit) while sub_period.start < after_instant: if holder.get_array(sub_period) is None: holder._set(sub_period, divided_array) sub_period = sub_period.offset(1) elif not (remaining_array == 0).all(): raise ValueError("Inconsistent input: variable {0} has already been set for all months contained in period {1}, and value {2} provided for {1} doesn't match the total ({3}). This error may also be thrown if you try to call set_input twice for the same variable and period.".format(, period, array, array - remaining_array).encode('utf-8'))